Sunday, March 23, 2008

Hockey Games at the Garden Collide With Gay Patrons Offended by Traditional Anti-Gay Taunts

Apparently it is common to see and hear the crowd taunting the players and other fans by shouting chants like Ho-Mo Larry!!! over and again. Check out this NY Times article about the issue. Kevin Jennings is a Rangers fan who happens to be gay and has at times boycotted the games for allotted time frames because of the often toxic environment. Many gay hockey fans can recall a time when nearly the entire crowd booed when the name of The New York City Gay Hockey Association flashed breifly across the jumbo screen. Directors of the gay hockey league have contacted Rangers General Manager to ask for a fan-education program that denounces anti-gay remarks. A city council speaker later joined them and since then the Rangers have broadcast warnings that they will remove fans who behave offensively. (This is subject to perception I am sure considering that I myself would likely be offended by nearly all of the drunken behavior of a traditional hockey crowd even without any anti-gay comments or behavior). The Rangers turned down the offers for assistance in making public service announcements urging fans to be more respectful though those who offered had a long track record of creating such announcements for MTV and other outlets. This is an interesting story. I nearly didn't post it because I am not a hockey fan myself, but I thought again and decided to post the story simply because I do believe that there is a general need for the world as a whole to be more respectful of others and until we can all say that we are legally equal in America I will be posting such stories. Have fun reading the article in the link above as it goes into much more detail than I ever could.

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TwitThis 0 Comments

Sunday, March 16, 2008

When Girls Will Be Boys

A transgendered F2M goes to school at an all female college. Check out this New York Times story about "Rey" an F2M transexual coping with life in college.

Rey is too cool. With his spiky brown hair, tatoos and oversized tribal earings talking with a New York times reporter about life as a transman. This is an interesting story that was quite informative. Rey entered his college campus as a woman and has now transitioned to become a man. This is an interesting dynamic for both Rey and the campus to deal with I'm sure. I can't go on about the article because it is like 7 pages, but it is very interesting and I recommend reading it for yourself by clicking on the link above.

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Oklahoma Republican Representative Kerns Homosexual Hate Speech Quote 16

She says "the homosexual agenda is destroying this nation". What in the hell are people thinking when they say this kind of stuff? This woman thinks there is a "homosexual agenda" that is out to destroy our nation. Perhaps she should consider that the only homosexual agenda is equality. All we want as homosexuals is equal treatment in general. We want the legal protections under the law that everyone is guaranteed according to the Constitution. We as adults should have the freedom to choose who we want to be with as long as they are consenting adults of sound mind. There is nothing wrong with living your own life when it does not affect others in a directly negative way.

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Oklahoma Republican Representative Kerns Homosexual Hate Speech Quote 15

She says "not everybody's lifestyle is equal just like not all religions are equal." Ok I'm wondering what she means by this. We are all equal!!! That is the entire founding premise of our nation. That "all men are created equal" what in the world is she thinking? Even in the bible it talks about how we should treat one another and no where in that text does it say to treat anyone as less than. So I can understand her comments regarding all religions being equal but that is wrong as well. She may think that her religion is the top dog of religions which is fine and understandable. I would hate to think that anyone is practicing a religion that they don't think is the best one for them. But no religion is higher than another in this country because we all have something that is also guaranteed us in the Constitution called freedom of religion and separation of church and state though kooks like this woman don't seem to have full grasp of the Constitution. I would bet you my paycheck that if you had a pop quiz on the Constitution from a legal standpoint this woman with fail it big time.

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Oklahoma Republican Representative Kerns Homosexual Hate Speech Quote 14

She says "I am not anti... I am not gay-bashing... but according to God's word that is not the right kind of lifestyle." Ok obviously this woman can read but she has a bit of a comprehension problem. If you review the bible you will find that the New Testament basically (for lack of a better way of putting it) makes the Old Testament null and void as anything other than a historical document. This means that ALL of the laws of Leviticus and others are no longer valid. If they were then she would be breaking the law by having pierced ears, short hair, shaved legs, eating shrimp, having sex on her period, not washing herself with charred ox bone etc. When people argue about the homosexual lifestyle based on the bible they most frequently quote from Leviticus in the same texts that are right next to the ones they are breaking, and when asked in separate conversations why they are breaking those laws they will tell you that those laws are no longer valid and that you have to take them in context of what was going on at that time historically. Yet, for whatever reason they forget their own words when speaking of homosexuality. Goofballs incapable of comprehension apparently because they cannot figure out that the laws of the old testament do not apply since the new testament came about and they cannot figure out that the old testament that they refer to when arguing against homosexuality is the same old testament where you can reference the laws that they are also breaking.

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Oklahoma Republican Representative Kern's Homosexual Hate Speech Quote 13

She says that the homosexual lifestyle "has deadly consequences for those involved" this is true because people with inferior levels of maturity cannot cope with the fact that others are different than they are and therefore they kill them and beat them up etc. I think it is odd that this occurs being that it is breaking yet another law in the bible that they use to justify their physical abuse of someone who did nothing to them.

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Oklahoma Republican Representative Kerns Homosexual Hate Speech Quote 12

She says "they [homosexuals] have more suicides" This may be true as well, but consider the reason. The reason is because they face conditions that are likely to increase suicide risks. Imagine if the lifestyle you were involved in was a lifestyle that caused you an increased potential for abandonment of your family, physical abuse and more. The emotional consequences of such a lifestyle would automatically increase suicide risk. People would say that the way to prevent this is to not choose the lifestyle. The statistics of people who deny their sexual orientation and portray themselves as someone they are not are more at risk for suicide than if they are out about who they are. I will never understand why someone would think that anyone would choose a lifestyle that would cause such significant consequences nor will I ever understand why someone would rather that person risk their life further by pretending they are not who they are just to give others peace of mind. It is not my problem if someone else is not comfortable with who I am - that is what therapy is for. If you have a problem with me that causes you such strife then invest in one because I am fine with me.

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Oklahoma Republican Representative Kern's Homosexual Hate Speech Quote 11

She says "there is more illness [in the homosexual lifestyle]" Illnesses in general do not pick and choose based on sexual orientation and therefore no one group is necessarily immune to any specific disease. When speaking of HIV (which is likely what this woman is referencing when she says "illness") the numbers are higher in Men who have sex with Men and falling a close second are heterosexuals. Women who have sex with women are lower than both of these. I would argue that when ALL homosexuals are included in these statistics one would find that the numbers are much closer between homosexual and heterosexual lifestyles. People like this who have a clear agenda against equality of both religion and sexual orientation purposefully include only Gay Men in their statistics because this helps to further bias their listeners.

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Oklahoma Republican Representative Kerns Homosexual Hate Speech Quote 10

She says "their [homosexuals] lifespans are shorter" She is likely getting this from some biased statistacal report she has read somewhere. The fact is that this is not true. Once again people who have an agenda against equality are known for twisting the statistics by purposely leaving out parts of the homosexual community. This may be a true statistic of people who are HIV positive but it is not true when 'healthy' homosexuals are included in the picture. As a matter of fact it is likely that HIV negative homosexual males live longer than the average straight male which brings the numbers up for homosexuals in general. When considering that the average gay male lives longer than the average straight male and the average lesbian lives about the same amount of time as her straight counterparts then the averages are about the same.

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Oklahoma Republican Representative Kerns Homosexual Hate Speech Quote 9

She says "it's not a lifestyle that is good for this nation... matter of fact studies show that no society that has totally embraced homosexuality has lasted more than.. you know ... a few decades" What the heck study is this? Is there a society that has TOTALLY embraced homosexuality? Greeks and Romans 'embraced' homosexuality for hundreds of years. I would say that is more than 20. Again this woman clearly has a problem with comprehension. She says she taught school but apparently the subject she taught was not history. It is a well known fact that in the Ancient Greek culture it was a common thing for men to have a "subservient boy" as a display of their power among other things. This was a common practice for well over 20 years. So the Greeks who we copied democracy, the olympics, the theater, the arts, philosophy etc. etc. embraced homosexuality. This is just one society I'm sure there are more. This woman is making up her story as she goes along apparently. Either that or she is quoting someone she trusts when she shouldn't because they made it all up.

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Oklahoma Republican Representative Kerns Homosexual Hate Speech Quote 8

She says "it's the death now of this country...I honestly think it's the biggest threat that our nation has even more so than terrorism...or Islam, which I think is a big threat." So apparently if I sleep with my girlfriend in the privacy of our own home and then expect not to be killed for it by a Christian Terrorist who is fighting for the world to be forced to live by their standards I am threatening society more than a terrorist. I only wish that my sex was so the bomb that it could actually create one. I wonder what her basis for this belief is? The majority of homosexuals are peaceful people who don't harm a flea. The most frequent molestation of children is committed by straight men, the majority of serial killers are straight men, the most frequent amount of killing in current times is committed in mass quantities in the name of Christianity, hate crimes against minorities are most frequently committed by straight white males. So what exactly is the threat? What is so threatening about someone sleeping with a consenting same sex adult of sound mind in the privacy of their own home and then coming out of their home with the expectation of safety? What is so threatening about someone wanting the right to marry who they want or to have health benefits? If this is a threat to our national security then how do we choose which groups are a threat when they get these privileges and which ones are not? In this country we have already had laws on the books banning marriage between blacks and between inter-racial couples until it was deemed unconstitutional (which took years). Let's get over it and either let every consenting adult of sound mind get married to whomever they choose and receive the benefits that are included in that group or let's ban everyone who shouldn't get married. Let's toss people who have broken the sanctitiy of marriage by adultry, wife beating, or divorce into jail. (that includes all those preachers you hear about all of the time) Lets create a system so that before you can marry or breed you must pass an IQ test and if you pass that you must then take a parenting test and take it again and again until you pass before being permitted to marry and breed. Then once we do that we can toss parents in jail who failed to protect their children from harm, to keep them out of jail, to keep them from bullying others, to keep them from shooting up schools, to pass their classes etc. etc. I mean if our laws are made for protecting the sanctity of marriage and family don't you think it only makes sense to heavily punish those who have received health benefits and other benefits under a false promise to abide by such laws? Hey! I have an idea... while we are at it let's make this a communist country!!

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Oklahoma Republican Representative Kerns Homosexual Hate Speech Quote 7

She says "what's happening now... they're [homosexuals] going after... in schools... two year olds... you know why they're trying to get early childhood education? They want to get our young children into the government schools so they can indoctrinate them." OK NUTTY!!! The only people out their trying to "indoctrinate" and sleep with two year olds are old, perverted, heterosexual, mostly white males. And who are "THEY" because I know that homosexuals surely not the only people who support early childhood education. Is she saying that to support early childhood education is to be homosexual? WOW!! I know that offended straight education advocates everywhere. I hope old homosexual Bush doesn't leave too many children behind. WHOA SALLY!! This is another tactic commonly used by those people who are a part of the agenda against equality. Besides using statistics that have left out large portions of the population they are speaking about, quite often the term "they" is used. They allows you to assume that the they being talked about is the group that is being highlighted when in fact that is not always the case. For instance in this quote where she talks about Why THEY support early childhood education when we know that homosexuals are not the only ones to support this and as a matter of fact are likely the smaller group when counting supporters of early childhood education. It sounds like to me that this woman is interested in creating a weird religious society that is separate from our current one that is based on fear and hate of people that are different than they are.

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Oklahoma Republican Representative Kerns Homosexual Hate Speech Quote 6

She says "I taught school for close to 20 years, and we're not teaching facts and knowledge anymore" Wow!! When were we ever?!!!!??? I was in school 20 years ago - in Oklahoma as a matter of fact. I don't recall it ever being taught in my history class that someone other than Columbus discovered America which we know is not true. I don't recall it ever being taught in my history books that Columbus landed on our beautiful land and shortly thereafter began raping and pillaging the people who were there. I don't recall a thourough teaching of what Malcom X's points of veiws were beyond a simple paragraph or two depicting him as violent. I dont' recall it ever being mentioned when hearing about Martin Luther King Jrs work and his famous march on Washington speech that the principal organizer and frequent counselor to King regarding passive resistance was Bayard Rustin an openly gay man who King openly supported. I don't recall any depiction of Native Americans in my history class other than that of stupid un-civilized people who were willing to trade their land for trinkets as opposed to a people who fought for years to keep the land that was rightfully theirs that they would much rather have shared peacefully only to be killed, scalped, poisoned, raped, lied to, linched and more. What facts is this crazy lady referencing? They weren't taught back then either.

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Oklahoma Republican Representative Kerns Homosexual Hate Speech Quote 5

She says "folks, we're teaching indoctrination...ok..and they're going after our young children as young as two years of try to teach them that the homosexual lifestyle is an acceptable lifestyle" Again I don't know what classroom this is. Only an idiot would try to teach something so complex to a two year old when they are just learning not to bite each other and that they should share their toys.

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Oklahoma Republican Representative Homosexual Hate Speech Quote 4

She says "gays are infiltrating city councils" she references Eureka Springs being all or mostly gay city council. I can't help but to think that this must have been the same sort of speech one would have heard back during the days when they were trying to pass the "Jim Crow laws" Look at how that turned out. Back after slavery when black men were being voted into political positions equal to white men by the people of those times and societies it was a bit scary and so those who had an agenda against equality fought to prevent it. So from 1876 to 1965 laws existed to prevent equality in our government and therefore our society. After 1965 it took another 42 years for us to finally have a black man run for president and be taken seriously. This is what is happening with gay people now. It is a movement against homosexual equality and the similarities to the civil rights movements of the past involving the African American community are staggering. This is why I will never understand why there is such a lack of support for the gay community by the African American community and vice versa.

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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Oklahoma Republican Representative Kerns Homosexual Hate Speech Quote 3

She asks her listeners "whats happening?" when referencing the different areas that have mostly gay city councils. and then goes on to say "And they are winning elections" As if that is a shocking fact. I'm sorry to tell her that homosexuals have contributed a lot more to society than just sexual exploits. Just because I sleep with someone you may not approve of does not mean that I don't pay taxes, vote, have a job, have a family that loves me, have children, have pets, own a home, own a car, go on vacations, play sports etc. etc. a whole hell of a lot of normal stuff. A homosexual can relate to their community just as well as a straight person. No one is exactly the same as another and therefore will not agree with another 100%, but that difference does not define us. I am not defined by who I sleep with - I am defined by my contribution to my family, my society, my country and the human race.

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Oklahoma Republican Representative Kerns Homosexual Hate Speech Quote 2

She says "one of the things I deal with in our legislature... I tried to introduce a bill last year that would nullify parents..uh...that schools had to notify parents what clubs their children were involved in, and the reason I did that bill primarily was this...we have The Gay Straight Alliance coming into our are getting involved in these groups, their lives are being ruined and their parents don't know about it." First let me say that the Gay Straight Alliance is not ruining lives, it is educating people that just because someone is homosexual does not mean that they are bad or that they have nothing other than sex to contribute to society. Second, let me say that if for any reason a child's life is being ruined and the parent doesn't know about it then either the parent is dead, estranged from the child or a complete idiot. I'm sorry but what good parent doesn't keep up with what is going on in their child's life or have concern for their child's general safety and well being?

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Monday, March 10, 2008

Oklahoma Repubican Representative Kerns Homosexual Hate Speech Quote I

She compares homosexuals to cancer saying that they cannot be ignored just because they are not directly affecting you. She says that if you had cancer in your toe you couldn't forget about it because it would rapidly spread and ruin your whole body. She says "this stuff [homosexuality] is deadly, and it's spreading and it will destroy our young people.. uh.. it will destroy this nation." Wow homosexuality - something that has been around since the beginning of our lives as humans - something that has been embraced by the most successful and copied societies - is somehow going to spread throughout society and destroy our children and our nation. What a concept!!! I say we should go back to our history books and review.

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Oklahoma Republican Representative Kerns Hate Speech About Gays

Clearly this woman is un-informed. She is entitled to her opinion but should not have the privilege of speaking on subjects which she is clearly not informed on. I don't expect her to agree with the homosexual lifestyle. I do, however, expect her to understand that there is not a "homosexual agenda" of which she speaks, that the Constitution insures equal treatments under the law, that homosexuality and Islam are not the same thing, that religions are in fact legally equal, that Greeks and Romans embraced homosexuality for hundreds of years, that the lifespan of homosexuals is not so different from that of heterosexuals etc. Basically, before she is permitted to speak she should know what she is saying and not tell lies either purposefully or un-knowingly. She should be voted out of office and not permitted to teach school again. Please email her and write her letters about how you feel. Please make sure not to solidify her point against us with unfounded facts or hateful speech. We don't want to fight the enemy with their own weapons or we will surely lose the fight. Her contact info (taken from the OK state house website) is: (405) 557-7348 2713 Sterling Ave., Oklahoma City, OK 73127

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Be A Voice Against Violence

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

HIV Scandal In Gay Porn Industry

This story just makes me sad. Most people who have ever seen heterosexual pornography know that the majority of this porn is filmed with people who are using no condoms. Since the 80's the gay porn industry however has used condoms because it was considered taboo not to do so. Recently bareback style gay porn has come back into the limelight as a popular style of pornography. In the last 4 years bareback gay porn has increased to the point where it now makes up about 60% of the gay market. There are now concerns within the gay community regarding the filming of a particular pornography video where British models had sex with each other bareback in various combinations and 4 of the men who took part in the filming were diagnosed as HIV positive soon after. It has become the latest fiasco in the gay porn industry with the U.S. company which released the film refusing to stop production until the NewsNight investigation scared them away from it. The performers in the porno are a bit mortified at the idea that the very moment they contracted HIV is being sold and mass produced serving to simply further whatever trauma they may already be experiencing. Wish these men luck and pray for a better system of protection for these individuals who perform in porn. My heart goes out to those in this unfortunate situation.

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