Sunday, March 16, 2008

Oklahoma Republican Representative Homosexual Hate Speech Quote 4

She says "gays are infiltrating city councils" she references Eureka Springs being all or mostly gay city council. I can't help but to think that this must have been the same sort of speech one would have heard back during the days when they were trying to pass the "Jim Crow laws" Look at how that turned out. Back after slavery when black men were being voted into political positions equal to white men by the people of those times and societies it was a bit scary and so those who had an agenda against equality fought to prevent it. So from 1876 to 1965 laws existed to prevent equality in our government and therefore our society. After 1965 it took another 42 years for us to finally have a black man run for president and be taken seriously. This is what is happening with gay people now. It is a movement against homosexual equality and the similarities to the civil rights movements of the past involving the African American community are staggering. This is why I will never understand why there is such a lack of support for the gay community by the African American community and vice versa.

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