Oklahoma Republican Representative Kerns Homosexual Hate Speech Quote 2
She says "one of the things I deal with in our legislature... I tried to introduce a bill last year that would nullify parents..uh...that schools had to notify parents what clubs their children were involved in, and the reason I did that bill primarily was this...we have The Gay Straight Alliance coming into our schools...kids are getting involved in these groups, their lives are being ruined and their parents don't know about it." First let me say that the Gay Straight Alliance is not ruining lives, it is educating people that just because someone is homosexual does not mean that they are bad or that they have nothing other than sex to contribute to society. Second, let me say that if for any reason a child's life is being ruined and the parent doesn't know about it then either the parent is dead, estranged from the child or a complete idiot. I'm sorry but what good parent doesn't keep up with what is going on in their child's life or have concern for their child's general safety and well being?
Oklahoma parents Gay Straight Alliance educating society child safety
Oklahoma parents Gay Straight Alliance educating society child safety
Labels: child, education, Gay Straight Alliance, Oklahoma, parents, safety, society
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