3 Killed in Black Friday Mayhem
Ok so one guy who was a temp worker at Walmart was trampled by 2000 shoppers in Long Island and another two were killed in a shooting at Toys R Us. WHAT THE FUCK PEOPLE!!!!! Think this through. The holiday season is comprised of multiple holidays but I beleive the only one where we give gifts that are not required to be handmade is Christmas. What is the deal people? Is it Christian to trample the hell out of people and shoot them to death? What would Jesus do? I'm thinking he wouldn't trample people to death for an Ipod or a Laptop or shoot someone to death in exchange for a Tickle Me Elmo doll. These people should be ashamed of themselves and both Walmart and the people on video trampling this man with no regard for his life should be prosecuted for murder. Obviously the shooting case will result in prosecution because it is clearly against the law to fire a weapon within city limits without a permit of some sort, but what the hell people!!!??!! You guys pitch little baby fits about calling the Holidays Christmas instead of the Holidays and you go on and on and on about how in your estimation the only reason we celebrate anything during this time of the year is because of Jesus and somehow you forget all of Jesus's teachings by literally and figuratively trampling on others. So now not only have you proven your complete disregard for others by ignoring the religions that came before yours during this Holiday season, but you have proven complete disregard for your own religion by trampling and shooting people to death. This is hand in hand with all of the other issues I have noticed coming from people like this. I mean these are the same people who yammer on and on about the sanctity of marriage and vote against people marrying someone of the same sex while cheating on their spouses, swinging, molesting children and/or letting their children get molested, treating people like crap, treating their children like crap etc. etc. They don't seem to see anything wrong with themselves breaking all the rules as long as no one else gets to. Is this what we would define as privilege? I believe it is. So what it comes down to is that these people vote and live to give privilege to themselves and take it away from others while criticizing others for wanting just a little taste of equality. Welcome to America the land of the not so free and the home of the chicken shit fear mongers who punish those who think for themselves and don't follow along with all the other sheep.
Walmart sheep killed punish WTF America Holiday criticizing
Walmart sheep killed punish WTF America Holiday criticizing
Labels: America, criticizing, holiday, killed, punish, sheep, Walmart, WTF
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