Sunday, May 4, 2008

Another Breeder (R.Kelly) Helping Further The Sanctity of Marriage

So once again we witness the heterosexuals of the nation proving they care about the sanctity of marriage and protecting families and children. A new witness has come forward in the R. Kelly Child Porn case. As if it isn't bad enough that some child's parents let them go to an R. Kelly concert unsupervised and stay out all night without monitoring, R. Kelly picked up the child and took them for a sexcapade which he filmed for his viewing pleasure. Now a woman has come forward claiming to have been involved with a much enjoyed threesome with Kelly and the youngster. Which is worse... The parents, R. Kelly, or the Woman in the threesome? For some reason these are the things heterosexuals do in public and blatantly while all of us pay our taxes toward the fighting of the case against them and yet they somehow think that giving homosexuals the right to marry would not protect the sanctity of marriage and the family. People who think this should be put face to face with what heterosexuals have done for marriage and family and then rethink it. I say you can't have your cake and eat it too. If you really truly want to protect marriage and the family then perhaps you should be more vigilant against ALL of those who discredit your agenda by damaging the image of what you are so politically protecting. Lastly, I want to say to any of you who support this dude by purchasing more of his music that you should be smacked in the back of your head to reset your brain. He is a child molesting porn maker that likely wouldn't support you without being forced to do so. The only good thing about him is that he makes clear the hypocricy of the heterosexual agenda against equality within this nation.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

R. Kelly isn't furthering any heterosexual agenda, my friend. In fact, he's doing a good job of messing it up.

I understand the resentment from the GLBT community regarding the marriage issue, but you need to step back and realize that R. Kelly has nothing to do with gay marriage rights, equal employment protection or anti-bullying laws. He's simply a dumbass who likes to screw kids.

Pointing out the obviousness of his sexuality and preferences serves the gay community no purpose (partly because R. Kelly's not married anymore).

Frustrations aside, as much as 95% of the general population are heterosexual and in order to get your agenda recognized as a priority, calling us breeders as derogatory slang and pointing out our flaws will only make you appear radical in the eyes of the middle (who you need to convince).

Write about the good. Write about your hopes and aspirations. Don't write non-relevant hate speech and wonder why no one listens.

May 7, 2008 at 1:33 PM  

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