Oklahoma Republican Representative Kerns Homosexual Hate Speech Quote 8
She says "it's the death now of this country...I honestly think it's the biggest threat that our nation has even more so than terrorism...or Islam, which I think is a big threat." So apparently if I sleep with my girlfriend in the privacy of our own home and then expect not to be killed for it by a Christian Terrorist who is fighting for the world to be forced to live by their standards I am threatening society more than a terrorist. I only wish that my sex was so the bomb that it could actually create one. I wonder what her basis for this belief is? The majority of homosexuals are peaceful people who don't harm a flea. The most frequent molestation of children is committed by straight men, the majority of serial killers are straight men, the most frequent amount of killing in current times is committed in mass quantities in the name of Christianity, hate crimes against minorities are most frequently committed by straight white males. So what exactly is the threat? What is so threatening about someone sleeping with a consenting same sex adult of sound mind in the privacy of their own home and then coming out of their home with the expectation of safety? What is so threatening about someone wanting the right to marry who they want or to have health benefits? If this is a threat to our national security then how do we choose which groups are a threat when they get these privileges and which ones are not? In this country we have already had laws on the books banning marriage between blacks and between inter-racial couples until it was deemed unconstitutional (which took years). Let's get over it and either let every consenting adult of sound mind get married to whomever they choose and receive the benefits that are included in that group or let's ban everyone who shouldn't get married. Let's toss people who have broken the sanctitiy of marriage by adultry, wife beating, or divorce into jail. (that includes all those preachers you hear about all of the time) Lets create a system so that before you can marry or breed you must pass an IQ test and if you pass that you must then take a parenting test and take it again and again until you pass before being permitted to marry and breed. Then once we do that we can toss parents in jail who failed to protect their children from harm, to keep them out of jail, to keep them from bullying others, to keep them from shooting up schools, to pass their classes etc. etc. I mean if our laws are made for protecting the sanctity of marriage and family don't you think it only makes sense to heavily punish those who have received health benefits and other benefits under a false promise to abide by such laws? Hey! I have an idea... while we are at it let's make this a communist country!!
Kerns Islam Christian Terrorist sex bomb homosexuals Christianity threat safety national security laws consenting benefits jail marriage failed parents sanctity communist
Kerns Islam Christian Terrorist sex bomb homosexuals Christianity threat safety national security laws consenting benefits jail marriage failed parents sanctity communist
Labels: benefits, Christian terrorist, Christianity, communist, consenting, failed parents, Homosexuality, Islam, jail, Kerns, laws, marriage, national security, safety, sanctity, sex bomb, threat
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