Star Trek's Takei Gay Marriage Plans
married Takei Mr. Sulu partner Brad Altman sanctity of marriage
Labels: Brad Altman, married, Mr. Sulu, partner, sanctity of marriage, Takei
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Dr. Treats Children As Young As 7 For Sex Changes
doctor freedom children adults society protect coping skills deductive reasoning bodies gender identity damage
Labels: adults, bodies, children, coping skills, damage, deductive reasoning, doctor, freedom, gender identity, protect, society
Sunday, May 18, 2008
California Supreme Court Overturns Gay Marriage Ban
California Supreme Court laws limited marriage unions same sex marriages decision religious groups oppression religious freedom Christians homosexual marry girlfriend
Labels: California Supreme Court, Christians, decision, girlfriend, Homosexuality, laws, limited marriage unions, marry, oppression, religious freedom, religious groups, same sex marriages
Another Breeder Helping to Further the Sanctity of Marriage
California gunman wife church festival shooting ex wife sanctity of marriage obsession murder money taxes strategically funded agenda against gay marriage hypocrits
Labels: agenda against gay mariage, California, church festival, ex wife, gunman, heterosexual agenda, hypocrits, money, murder, obsession, sanctity of marriage, shooting, strategically funded, taxes, wife
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
RE: Ryan's Statement Regarding My Earlier R. Kelly/Sanctity of Marriage Post
MY RESPONSE: First, I'm not crying over here in my post toasties wondering why no one listens. The hate speech comes in moments of frustration and generally those offended by it give some high and mighty speech about how they don't think treating others the way that they have treated you is the way to go inorder to solve an issue. I would agree with them, but at the same time I find it interesting that when the chance to pay back black people comes in the form of affirmative action people all of a sudden have issues with the use of preferential treatment in regards to hiring and promotion in the workplace. I find it interesting that when a heterosexual realizes they are spoken badly of and labeled with derogatory slang terms to describe them that all of a sudden slang terms are a problem, yet they use them on the daily until it affects them directly. People hate tasting their own medicine so I figure if I let them taste it they may see what minority communities have dealt with for years, and perhaps if they have to deal with it even half as much as minorities do they will think twice before doing it or allowing others to do it around them. As far as Mr. Kelly goes you are right in that he furthers no agenda other than his own, but my point is that when heterosexuals protest and vote against measures that would give homosexuals more equal rights they use arguments about protecting the family and the sanctity of marriage when it is clear they really don't care about that or they would be protesting guys like this one instead of ignoring him and/or sending their kids off to his concerts as well as attending themselves and buying his albums. So you see the point was not not to say that Mr. Kelly is helping any agenda against equality, but that he is doing the opposite yet without the same opposition that we as homosexuals receive on a daily basis. With regards to your statement about Mr. Kelly not being married you are right, but the reason for that is because he failed to protect children, family and the sanctity of his own marriage by sleeping with a child. With regards to your claim that 95% of the population is heterosexual I will simply say that you may want to seek out some actual statistics as opposed to guestimates before stating numbers. Census reports are a good place to start though they do not consider the entire population so it is not completely accurate.
R. Kelly heterosexual agenda resentment GLBTQ marriage gay marriage rights equal employment protection anti-bullying laws dumbass screw kids Frustrations population priority breeders derogatory slang radical good hopes aspirations hate speech crying moments offended high and mighty speech solve issue interesting affirmative action hiring promotion workplace labeled minority protest vote homosexuals equal rights arguments family sanctity of marriage concerts albums equality opposition statistics Census accurate
Labels: anti-bullying laws, breeders, dumbass, equal employment protection, frustrations, gay marriage, GLBTQ, heterosexual agenda, kids, marriage, population, priority, R. Kelly, resentment, rights, screw
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Another Breeder (R.Kelly) Helping Further The Sanctity of Marriage
R Kelly sanctity of marriage child porn pleasure parents heterosexuals family protection
Labels: child porn, family, heterosexuality, parents, pleasure, protection, R Kelly, sanctity of marriage
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Heterosexuals Protecting the Sanctity of Marriage With Murder
Fort Worth husband rape Darrell Roberson murder defense distress prison
Labels: Darrell Roberson, defense, distress, Fort Worth, husband, murder, prison, rape