Friday, February 22, 2008

Israeli MP Blames Quakes On Gays

Check out this BBC News story about how an Israeli MP thinks that the earthquakes that have rocked the holy land recently are the fault of Parliament for their tolerance of gays. Because Israel decriminalized homosexuality in 1988 and has since passed laws that have recognized gay rights some people from the ultra Orthodox Jewish Shas party are protesting stating that it is because of the country's legitimization of sodomy that these quakes and other bad things are happening to Israel. This just goes to show you that there are more people like the Phelps' around the world.

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Sunday, February 10, 2008

Top 10 Reasons Not To Date A Meat-Eater According to GayGod

More Videos From B. Scott

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We Are The Dance

Who in the LGBTQ community doesn't enjoy a cute boy dancing to hot music? check it out I thought it was fun so I posted it.

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Tuesday, February 5, 2008

For Those Of You Who Like Zipster

Sunday, February 3, 2008

State Court Recognizes Gay Marriages From Elsewhere

A New York court ruled Friday that valid out of state marriages of same sex couples must be legally recognized in New York just as the law recognized those of heterosexual couples. Lawyers for both sides said the ruling applied to all private and public employers in the state. A Canada same sex couple fought the system and won against their employer's refusal to provide proper benefits based on discrimination regarding their sexual orientation. The Legislative branch may deny the ruling at a later date but for now the Appellate Division of the State Supreme Court ruled that New York must recognize such unions/marriages. This is good news.

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